Monday, 30 September 2013


Reflecting on your first assignment.

List the most important things you have learnt?  
How can this help you in future projects?

How to manage time well
I’ll be able to stick to deadlines and get work done when it needs to be done.

How to use Premiere

I’ll be able to edit work.
People skills

I’ll be able to ask for help when I need it, rather than struggling on my own.

1)     With the overall assignment, identify what it is you are most pleased with and why?

The pixilation, because I think it worked out really well, despite the limits we had.

2)     What do you think you could do better if you had the chance to turn back time?
My edit of the pixilation.

3)     Look back at the work you have undertaken in this first assignment and think of three different occasions where you have hit a problem, and discuss how you overcame that problem. 

When writing a critique of The Bay by David Wilson, I struggled with what to write, so I found how to write a good critique and followed those guidelines.

4)     Look back at your blog.  What do you think of it?  How does it tell the story of your first weeks of learning?


David Wilson (Metronomy - The Bay)

Name of production: Metronomy - The Bay

Name of director: David Wilson
Year of release: 2011

'The Bay' is a music video, for the band 'Metronomy'. The video is directed by David Wilson and is set in Torquay, Devon. The production starts with a view of the lead singer of the band walking towards the camera and singing. It is clear from the start that the video is very bright, colourful, and laid back, as the front man is wearing a white suit with a pale blue shirt, but not tie, and not buttoned all the way to the top. 

The camera then cuts to the front man's feet as he walks across grass to the beat of the music, again his shoes and the way he walks/dances gives a laid back feel to the video.

After that, we see the lead singer, singing along on the left side of a split screen, with other bands members also singing behind him, and a small boat with it's sails up, sailing in a clear looking sea on the right side of the split screen.

Staying in a split screen formation, we see the lead singer from a side view, still singing along, on the left side of the split screen, and pink flowers on the right side of the split screen.

Back to the grass at the beginning of the video, we see the whole band singing along to the music, with the lead singer facing towards the camera, but with a side view of the rest of the band members.

 Again, still on the grass, we see the whole band playing their instruments and all singing along.

I think this music video portrays the lyrics of the song well. Especially the lyrics 

"You may have the body
But do you have the song?
Let's make this happen
Let's make this happen
And those endless beaches"

'you may have the body' - there are several scenes of women wearing high heels, and swimming costumes; things that women usually only wear if they have a 'good body',

'but do you have the song?' - there are also several shots of the band playing their song,

'and those endless beaches' at the beginning, and near the end of the video, there are helicopter views of very big beaches that seem to go on forever.

Wednesday, 18 September 2013


Tutorial Questions:

1.       Have you handed in all your qualifications?  If not, what is missing?
2.       No, all of them.

3.       What were you doing before this course started, and why did you choose Plymouth College of Art?
4.       I was at SDCC doing Media, photography and psychology.

5.       Have you given us your Emergency contact details?   YES

Have you received feedback from your Preparation for Learning tests? NO

Do you have any long-term goals regarding what you might want to do after this course finishes, or regarding a career? university

What do you need to achieve whilst on this course to progress your goals?

6.       Do you think you might need any support to achieve this?