Monday 30 September 2013


Reflecting on your first assignment.

List the most important things you have learnt?  
How can this help you in future projects?

How to manage time well
I’ll be able to stick to deadlines and get work done when it needs to be done.

How to use Premiere

I’ll be able to edit work.
People skills

I’ll be able to ask for help when I need it, rather than struggling on my own.

1)     With the overall assignment, identify what it is you are most pleased with and why?

The pixilation, because I think it worked out really well, despite the limits we had.

2)     What do you think you could do better if you had the chance to turn back time?
My edit of the pixilation.

3)     Look back at the work you have undertaken in this first assignment and think of three different occasions where you have hit a problem, and discuss how you overcame that problem. 

When writing a critique of The Bay by David Wilson, I struggled with what to write, so I found how to write a good critique and followed those guidelines.

4)     Look back at your blog.  What do you think of it?  How does it tell the story of your first weeks of learning?

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