Monday 9 December 2013


  1. Film must be in black and white.
  2. Start your film with the title caption, white on black, Gil Sans, centred, 5 seconds long.
  3. Then follow this with an extreme long shot, to establish the setting. Again this must be 5 seconds long.
  4. Two people sit together (at a table, on the grass, etc.)
  5. They are together through a shared everyday experience (sharing a coffee, playing a game, watching the world or people, writing letters to each other, reading a book, arguing over how many sugars they like in a coffee etc.)
  6. During the course of the scene (approximately 5 minutes) the audience are invited to witness their behaviour and interactions within the everyday situation.
  7. Soundtrack – Wildtrack/Ambient sounds
  8. The question for you as directors, is how can you use mise-en-scene to create an atmosphere, a tone, a mood and how do you communicate that.
  9. Think about: Overall narrative, lighting, shot length, edit, shot composition, soundtrack, positioning of people/objects etc.
  10. End your film with an extreme long shot and cut to black for 3 seconds. No credits.
Me, Ben, Will and Josh all worked together on this project. Will and Josh did most of the planning, with me and Ben helping out with the script and proposal. 
The general idea of our scene is two characters sat discussing YouTubers, and basically being very random and funny. During this scene, we see the characters switch between several different universes, with several different strange things going on.

Will and Josh were chosen to play the two characters  involved, while me and Ben took control of camera work and sound and I also played a small part in the film for a few seconds.

Overall, the filming went very well. However, when we put the footage onto a computer in order to start editing, we realised that the sound on some of the clips wasn't working, so we decided to go and shoot them again. We checked that these clips then had working sound on them and they did, so we continued with editing and are now happy with the final outcome.

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